Friday, April 29, 2011


I've been very busy with next week being finals week, and I apologize to anyone who reads my blog and has noticed that I've slowed down. Before I noted that I was going to host a few interviews, and I'd like to reveal that for the last week I've been talking with some really smart people to make a video about 'belief.' This is a final assignment of my writing class, but I decided to put a little extra effort into something I can be proud of. My video will be complete by this coming Wednesday, so I hope you come back to this blog to check it out.

To provide you with something to look at, I wanted to post something I made and submitted on Reddit. Just recently, the site went into a 'read-only' mode for almost two days because of a mishap with Amazon cloud. During that time I hastily Photoshopped a picture, hoping that a lot of people would see it and like it. Unfortunately, I am now in question about if people think I am actually funny or not. Here is the picture; and just for reference, the orange and blue arrows symbolize people up-voting or down-voting content on Reddit.

Click To Enlarge

Like always, I'll be frequently posting my thoughts on music and entertainment-- I'm pretty excited for the new Irepress album to come out. If you want me to share my opinion on a philosophical or maybe even a current issue topic, then leave a request. I have some plans though, and hopefully I'll be picking the pace up again soon.

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